Sentinel 9.1

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It was seven-thirty in the evening in a medium sized airport.  Weren’t there supposed to be people?

There had been staff, for sure.  The odd staff member to greet him as he got off the plane, another to see him past the gates.  Still, the terminals were empty, there were no crowds, the shops and restaurants were all closed.  Only half the lights were on.  For the first time, he was wondering if he was getting in over his head.

At least there were no people making the same old jokes about the metal detectors.

Baggage claim had three carousels, which should have been in operation, delivering a regular supply of people’s luggage onto the conveyor belts, crowds gathered around them in anticipation.  Instead, there was a single man in uniform with three large bags already piled onto a cart.

“I can take my bags, I’m stronger than I look.”

“It’s alright, son,” the man replied, “It’s good to have something to do that isn’t cleaning up.”

Son.  That bothered him more than he cared to admit.  Not that he had any ideas about his own ethnicity, but it was vaguely condescending.  A reminder that people didn’t know how to act around him.

“Alright,” he conceded, “Where are we headed?”

The man gestured toward a set of double doors, then gripped the handle of the cart to push it in that same direction.

Stainless steel handles on the doors.  He put his hands on the painted surface instead, pushed them open, and then held one of the doors open for the cart.  He was distracted enough that he almost didn’t notice the group waiting for him.

The group consisted of a squad of PRT officers with their regular assortment of nonlethal weaponry and a large woman with a bleached blonde bob.

“Weld, I’m glad you made it,” she managed to say the words without a trace of humor or smile on her face.  She extended a hand.

He glanced quickly at her hand, checking there were no rings, then shook it.  “Thank you, ma’am.  Director Piggot, I’m assuming?”

“You assume correctly.  Shall we?”

He nodded.

As they fell into step, he asked, “Where is everyone?”

“This airport was attacked by one of the local villain groups just three days ago.  The front lobby and ticket claim were ransacked, and the airport has shut down for the time being, with only special cases such as yourself coming or going.”

“I take it things are bad?”

“Yes.  We have seen this type of situation before, if not to this extreme.  Too many citizens here had been living paycheck to paycheck or were unemployed.  There was a great deal of latent frustration and unhappiness with the status quo.  A powder keg needing only a spark to set it off.”

Weld nodded, “And the arrival of an Endbringer is a bit more than a spark.  I see.  I know the Endbringers tend to target areas where they know they can do the most damage.  You think Leviathan did it on purpose?  Attacked this city because he knew this would happen?”

“If someone raised the idea, I wouldn’t dismiss it.  But our focus should be on what we do in the here and now.  Are you ready to take command of the local Wards?”

“I’m ready to try.”

“Good.  The team here is smaller than your old team in Boston.  It currently consists of Clockblocker, Vista, Kid Win and Shadow Stalker.  We had three members die in the attack.”

PRT uniforms opened the doors, and he followed the Director onto a helipad, followed shortly after by the other PRT uniforms and man with his luggage.  A black helicopter with the PRT logo on the sides sat there, propeller already whirring in preparation for takeoff.

The Director took the hand of a uniform inside the helicopter, stepping inside, and Weld followed her up, refusing a helping hand.  The helicopter shifted slightly with the addition of his six hundred pounds of weight.

When the door shut, cutting off the worst of the noise, he took the offered headphones and put them on.  When he spoke, his voice came through the headphones crystal clear, without a trace of the ambient noise of the helicopter, “So there’s only five of us?”

“There will be more.  We’ve got a lead on a young man who could be joining as a new member, assuming we can get close enough to him to make the offer.  I trust you know your classifications?”

“I do,” Weld nodded.  He’d memorized it as a rhyme, as suggested by his old boss.  Maybe that had been the intention from the start:

Mover, Shaker,
Brute and Breaker.

Master, Tinker,
Blaster and Thinker,

Striker, Changer,
Trump and Stranger.

He was classified as a brute and changer, classifications meant for the unnaturally tough and strong and for those who could change their shape to some extent, respectively.  He never liked the word brute being applied to him, even though he was aware that the labels had originally been intended for the PRT teams to identify and label villains, specifically.  It was only later that they had been extended to identifying the heroes as well.

“Right.  This potential recruit is tentatively marked down as a Tinker/Mover.  It isn’t unusual for powers to emerge in the wake of an event as serious as this.  For this reason, we keep careful track of things to see if we cannot detect any new parahumans.  This young man has been observed in the south end, moving at over a hundred miles an hour with the assistance of a mechanical suit.  His inclusion on a local team would help fill gaps left by the death of Velocity, a local Protectorate member, and Armsmaster’s retirement.”

Weld nodded.

“Others may make themselves known, and we will approach each of them in turn.  To help fill the gap in the meantime, Flechette is arriving from New York.”

Weld chuckled, just under his breath.

“Something amusing?”

He was surprised that she had heard or noticed the laugh.  “No, it’s just that we know each other.  Our teams are -were- friendly rivals, kind of.  We’d meet two or three times a year and compete, just to spar and practice our skills against less familiar opponents.  We’d joke around about which team was better, give each other a hard time.”

“I certainly hope this ‘rivalry’ isn’t going to hamper your ability to lead this team and work with her.”  There was no humor in her tone.  Just the opposite.

“Um, no, ma’am,” he replied, chastened.  The helicopter lifted into the air.  A glance out the window showed the sprawl of the city.  It was dark out, but much of the city was unlit, nothing shining through the windows, no street lights illuminating the roads, nor the headlights and taillights of traffic.

Noting where he was looking, Director Piggot spoke, “Because the current situation is serious, and it isn’t improving as fast as we’d like.  You’re going to have to be on the top of your game.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Clockblocker and Vista are your best assets.  Clockblocker is a Striker 7 with touch-based time-stopping.  Vista is a Shaker 9.  Large scale spatial distortion.”

“Geez louise.  The others?”

“Kid Win is a Tinker 4.  Guns and antigravity devices, primarily.  Shadow Stalker is more ambiguous.  Breaker 3, sublabels are Stranger 2, Mover 1.  Her particular nature as a ‘breaker’ makes her superlight, semi-gaseous, transparent and capable of passing through solid surfaces.”

“Okay.  The team sounds well rounded, I can work with that.”

She handed him a stack of files, “Here’s the files on local factions, including your new team, and a file on the solo heroes and villains.  You’ll have limited access to the databases as well, which you should be familiar with, but this should get you the essential details to get underway.  I’ve ordered those files loosely by priority, so you’ll find the most need-to-know information at the top of the pile.”

Weld took the folders and opened the one for the Wards, glanced through it to memorize the faces of his new team.  Then he went to the next file, “Then the top priority as far as opposition goes is… the Archer’s Bridge Merchants?  Superpowered drug dealers.  A Shaker 2, Tinker 2/Mover 3 and a Shifter 4.  These aren’t big numbers.  Am I missing something?”

“Context.  They’ve become a rallying point, representatives and leaders for those on the lowest rungs of society.  Too many civilians who were the have-nots think allying with the Merchants is a way to become the haves.  People that were angry, disenfranchised or both have gravitated towards the group, are seeking to overturn the social order.”

“So they’ve got, what, a following of homeless?”

“Brockton Bay doesn’t, or didn’t,  have many that you could strictly call homeless, as there were so many abandoned buildings to squat in.  When the Endbringer attacked, he chose the area with many of these buildings.”

“I think I remember, yeah.  The area where the fight started didn’t exactly look upscale.”

“The sad irony of this is that the defending parahumans protected that area, while other locations were leveled by the tidal waves.  That area, known to locals as the Docks, was not under the control of any organized crime or villain organization even before the attack.  After the battle’s conclusion, it was swiftly occupied by the Merchants and growing numbers of their followers, and is now one of the areas with reliable shelter.  Not entirely, but more than many.  By the time our local heroes were finished with search, rescue and minimizing damage, their number of followers had reached a critical mass.  In the past several days, they’ve begun attacking the city infrastructure, the airport, grocery stores, malls and they’ve repeatedly seized medical supplies and food as they come in.”

“So a big priority will be safeguarding incoming supplies from relief efforts, protecting key areas of the city so it can recuperate from the disaster.”

“Yes, for the time being.”

“Let’s see, the next group is… Fenrir’s Chosen?”

“One of two major offshoots of the Aryan villain group, Empire Eighty-Eight, which fell apart after the death of their leader, Kaiser.  Fenrir’s Chosen are led by Hookwolf.  Violent, utterly merciless, and reveling in the current chaos.”

“And it looks like he’s a Shaper 4, Brute 7, with the longest list of homicides or suspected homicides I’ve seen on someone who wasn’t already in prison.  Thick file, I take it he has lots of followers?”

“The largest group in terms of parahuman numbers, at present.”

“And this second group, The Pure, is the second offshoot of that Aryan group, I take it?”

“Small but powerful.  Their leader, Purity, is a Blaster 8 and Mover 4.”

“Yeah, there’s a Breaker 9, a Shifter 8 with Stranger 3 and a Master 6 in that group?  I buy that they’re powerful.”

“Their leader has made overtures to us, offering cooperation in helping us regain control of the city.  We have refused her for the time being.  If she approaches you, you are in no way, shape or form permitted to agree to any deals.”

“Noted.  Let’s see…  Coil, powers unknown.  The Travelers have high ratings on their powers, but their crimes are low end, pretty much.  There’s the Undersiders… three Master classifications in one team.”

“Only one of whom is of any particular concern.  Investigations into two members have suggested sociopathic tendencies, and if they’re channeling their efforts into low threat activities such as robberies, we can afford to ignore them for the time being.”

“Faultline’s Crew.  Mercenaries, low rating, mediocre rating, low rating…  A Shaker 12?  Seriously?”

“The girl has cognitive deficiencies that reduce the effective threat she poses, but yes.  Again, that group is not an imminent threat.  In the current situation, I might suggest you leave them be if you cross paths, conserve your group’s strength for the priority opponents.  The Merchants and Hookwolf’s group.”

“Okay.  I’ll have this memorized by the end of the week.”

“I expect you will.  That brings us to more mundane matters.  You’ll be enrolled full-time at Arcadia High School.  It’s close to the Wards headquarters, and your teachers have been informed about your special nature.  I’m afraid there’s no easy answers as far as your appearance and how the rest of the student body will react to you.”

Weld looked down at his hands.  His body, from skin to hair to bone, was all metal and alloys of varying types.  “I’ve dealt with it before, I’ll manage.”

“We can’t enroll you in the co-op program, as your absence would be noted, and would draw attention to others who are using the co-op program to mask their attendance in the Wards.  It won’t be easy, attending high school full-time, keeping up with your coursework and leading the team in your off hours.”

“It’s fine.  I don’t have to sleep much, anyways, so it’s good to keep busy.”

“Good to hear that.  All that said, I have asked your teachers to make special arrangements, reducing expectations toward your homework, provided you are not struggling in any subjects.  The Wards program will also provide tutors should you need them.”

“Okay, cool.”

“You’ll have time to get into the swing of things without worrying about school, as the high schools are all currently shut down for repairs and to allow time for thorough investigation of the premises.  When the schools are open, we’ll have you take three courses and attend first year classes on parahumans at the University, if that suits you?”


“You’ll be living in a private room in the Wards headquarters, and you’ll have a monthly allowance of four hundred dollars in addition to the money put into your trust account by the program.  We expect you’ll spend this allowance on necessities, such as food and clothing.  You do still eat, yes?”

“Yes,” he answered her, bending the truth.  While he did eat, it was a negligible amount.  As he saw it, there was no real harm done if he pocketed some of that extra money and said he spent it on food.  Given that his tongue was made of an alloy and the pleasures of food were a shadow of what they should be, it was only fair that he enjoy himself in some other way.  He knew that some staff back in Boston had caught on, but they hadn’t said anything.  Director Piggot here gave him the vibe that maybe she wouldn’t be so cool with it.  He’d be more careful until he knew for sure.

“Your quarters have been checked and double checked, so there is no exposed metal, no screws, nails, frames or pegs.”

“I appreciate the thought,” he told her.  His physiology had the unfortunate drawback that he couldn’t help but attach to and absorb metal he touched.  While it had been crippling when he’d first been found, dumped in a junkyard, he had learned ways around it.  He could rearrange the metals that formed his body, separate them into their composite elements, and he extended this particular trick to push all the impurities in the metals out to his ‘skin’.  The impurities, unlike the metal that composed the rest of him, didn’t bond, giving him the ability to handle things with his hands and teeth if he needed to.  It didn’t always work – at least once a week there was one embarrassing moments where he bonded with someone’s wedding ring during a handshake or bumped into a shelf display – but it helped.  Clothes helped as well.

In a more serious situation, such as when he was out on patrol, he could force parts of himself to melt and drop off, leaving a piece of himself behind, but it made him distinctly uncomfortable – pain wasn’t the right word – until he replaced the tissue he’d lost.  More often, he preferred to just tear the offending piece of metal from whatever surface it rested on, whether it was a segment of chain link fence or a hubcap.  Whenever he did it, he’d have to spend as much as an hour dissolving the metal and absorbing it into his body.  Either way, they were only emergency measures.

Which wasn’t to say he was weak.  Being made of materials and alloys as strong or stronger than steel from head to toe made him practically untouchable in a fight.  In addition, his biology fell into some optimal middle ground between organic and inorganic.  For those whose powers affected only living things, he counted as inorganic.  The opposite was also true.

“Do you understand why we have gone to this trouble for your sake, Weld?  Why we are testing your ability as a team leader in a crisis such as this?”

“You’re grooming me,” he replied.

“Yes, but do you understand what we’re grooming you for?” she pressed.

He knew, but he assumed she would prefer to explain.  Besides, how she explained would inform him a great deal about his new boss’s personality.  “Not really.”

“You likely know Director Armstrong in Boston, how he tends to prioritize research and understanding parahumans.  I concern myself with more concrete affairs.  Public relations, parahumans as a part of America.”

Weld nodded.

“What Armstrong continually fails to grasp is that if we do not integrate parahumans into society, help society bend to accommodate your kind, there is no point in lab experiments or classifications.  As bad as things might be with the periodic arrival of Endbringers and parahuman criminals, matters could be ten times worse if panic or prejudice takes hold from the public.  You understand?”

“One thing, ma’am,” Weld spoke.


He took a deep breath.  Not that he really needed it, but he did anyways.  “Forgive me for saying so, but I get the impression you don’t like or respect Director Armstrong?”

“Your point?”

“I just thought you should know he’s something like a father figure to me.  He’s the one who recruited me to the Wards, got me up to speed.  I’ve already made plans to go to his house for a bit this summer.  Maybe I’m putting myself on your sh… in your bad books by saying so, but I just thought I should let you know I’ll step up to defend him if you start putting him down.”

“I see,” tiny frown lines appeared between her eyebrows.


A fire on a street below caught his attention.  A car had been set on fire, and people were crowding around it.

Not noticing, Piggot pursed her lips, “Fine.  My apologies for putting you in that situation.  I won’t say anything further about Director Armstrong for the time being.  I was speaking of the need for public relations?”

“Yes ma’am,” he spoke, feeling somewhat relieved at her composure.  He wouldn’t feel a hundred percent okay about it until he verified her as someone who wouldn’t find some other way to get back at him.

“As the number of parahumans first became clear, a long-term plan was established.  In the early phases of the plan, much effort was dedicated to setting up the Protectorate and Wards, ensuring the public had heroes they could look up to, likable faces, likable personalities.  Merchandising, interviews, tv shows, music, movies and more were all encouraged and supported with the idea of building up this image.  Law, policy and rules for the official groups were all shaped with the idea of gradually building confidence in heroes.”

Weld nodded.

“As we enter the next phase, our objective is to push the public a margin beyond their comfort zone.  We are encouraging and promoting the existence of rogues, which is an unfortunate term that heralds back to the early days.”

“Right,” Weld responded.  The term ‘rogue’ applied to anyone with powers who wasn’t hero or villain, the negative connotations of the term tying back to an era when expectations had been rather different, much the same way the brute classification had been coined.

“This is a sensitive subject, slow to advance, as major corporations are particularly litigious when parahumans get involved.  In simple terms, the big businesses do not want people with powers affecting the status quo, and it is very easy for them to derail years of work with one bad media campaign targeting parahumans.”

“I see,” Weld commented.  He didn’t like that in simple terms bit of what she’d said.  Too many people implied he was stupid because he was strong.  But could he really speak up about it, when he couldn’t be sure if her choice of words came from an offensive or judgemental perspective?  Or was he being overly sensitive?

“The second half of this phase is getting the public more comfortable with the outliers.  The people with stranger powers, and stranger appearances.  You’re likable, Weld.  You have a clearly unnatural appearance, if you’ll forgive me saying so-”

Weld shrugged.  He stood out.  There were a hundred things that bothered him more than stares and comments on the subject.

“-but you have fans, and people are interested in you.  You get higher ratings for your interviews than even the average handsome hero gets.  You’re second most popular for team leaders for number of youtube videos, possibly helped by a briefly lived internet meme featuring your face, and you have a blemish-free record, both academically and in your two years serving as a part of the Wards.”

“Thank you.”

“Provided all goes according to plan, we intend for you to become a member of the core Protectorate team within the span of three to five years.  Making your face national, even international, if you are willing.”

“Wow.  Yeah, I’m definitely okay with that, ma’am,” he tried to feign surprise.  Armstrong had already covered much of this.

“Of course, this hinges on your ability to lead your team, in the here and now.”

“Of course.”

“It seems we will land shortly.  Any questions before we do?”

“One.  I was hoping to arrange interstate training sessions with the New York and Boston Wards groups.  As far as I’m aware, the local team doesn’t do this.  They barely have regular situation training.”

“I recall Triumph made a request for something like this, a few years ago.  I believe we refused him on the grounds that it was frivolous.”

Weld squared his shoulders.  He had to be assertive, here. “I’m firmly of the opinion that it would improve the local team’s ability to cooperate and respond to a greater variety of situations.  I’m totally prepared to eat any and all paperwork on our end.”

Eat the paperwork?”

“I mean I’ll do it all, for the members of my team.  Give you updates after any and all training sessions.  Notes on improvements, lessons learned, weak areas, strengths, resources that could fill any perceived gaps.”

“So long as you’re prepared for me to put a stop to things at any time.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And,” the Director paused a moment as the Helicopter touched down on solid ground, “It cannot cut into the regular patrol schedule.  You and your team members would do this outside of the hours you’re on clock for the Wards.”

“I’ll see if I can sell it to them.  Thank you, Director,” Weld stood.

Secretly, he was elated.  The training games he’d led his team through back in Boston had been some of the more fun moments of his career.  It had also allowed for a harmless but fun interaction with the New York group, giving them a chance to mingle, talk and share war stories.  There was something about being able to mess with others on a level that you couldn’t with teammates you had to fight alongside.  If his new team liked the games half as much as he did, it would be a win in his book.

“Do you wish me to come down and introduce you?”

That earned a moment’s consideration.  Was this woman likable?  No.  Would the others like her?  Probably not.  Which meant that having her introduce him might be detrimental, associate him with someone they might view negatively.

“No, I don’t think it’s necessary, ma’am.”

“Your old keycards will let you in.  I’ll have replacement identification sent to you shortly.  In the meantime, I wish you luck.”

“Thank you, Director,” he handed her his headset and stepped through the door as PRT uniforms opened it.  As if welcoming him into the city proper, there was the sound of a woman screaming down on the street below, the noise turning into a manic laugh in the same breath.  Half the block was without power, and searchlights on the corners of the rooftop scanned nearby streets.  PRT guards stood at the edge of the roof, armaments in hand.  He relaxed at the sight of the guards – if they weren’t acting on whatever was going on below, he didn’t need to worry about it.

He took a deep breath, deep enough that he could feel the groan of the metal stretching to its limits inside his chest.  Then he stepped off the rooftop and through the elevator doors.  When the complex chrome doors shut, they cut off the noise of the helicopter entirely.

It was utterly quiet, inside the box.  There was barely any sense of motion or movement from the elevator.  Tinker designed.  It had to be.  He avoided touching the chrome walls or railing.  It was probably coated with something, but emerging with a piece of railing stuck to him would make for a terrible first impression.

Stepping out into a hallway, he walked up to a security terminal.  He swiped his identification card, spoke his name for the voice authentication, “Weld.”  There was a pause, and then the doors glided open.

His team was there, each with their masks off.

Clockblocker sat in a chair at the huge computer to the right of the room, swiveled to check out their new arrival, then stood, folding his arms.  Red haired, freckled, thin lipped, he wore a costume that was all white, with animated images of clock faces on it.  A white helmet sat on the counter of the computer terminal.

Shadow Stalker was leaning against a wall, thumbing through a smartphone.  She had one foot against the wall, one arm folded just under her chest, her free hand resting in the crook of her other elbow.  She looked up at him, stuck the phone in a pouch on her belt.  She was dark-skinned, pretty, and from  what he could see beneath her costume and her voluminous cloak, she had a nice body.  Athletic figure.  A part of Weld’s adolescent psyche was relieved that there was some eye candy here.

Kid Win and Vista arrived from what the ‘cubicles’ at the far end of the spacious room.  They weren’t really cubicles, but sectioned off areas with beds and room for personal effects.  The base in Boston had been similar.  Kid Win was in civilian clothes, brown-haired, ruddy cheeked in a way that suggested he had been exercising until just recently.  Very normal looking.

Vista was in pyjamas, her hair tied back into a ponytail.  He’d had someone as young as her on his team in Boston, but the boy had been a Thinker, a limited precog content to work and communicate with them from their command station.  This girl had been out in the field – three fingers on her left hand were bandaged, with crimson seeping in through the white.  Her eyes were puffy, as though she’d been crying until very recently.

Should he comment on that?  Offer support?  He wasn’t sure what to say, if it would even be welcome.

“Hello,” he spoke.  He received a chorus of muttered and murmured greetings in return.

“Look,” he said, “I won’t make a big deal of this.  The guys upstairs want me in charge.  It’s going to take me a short while to get up to speed, but I hope to prove to you guys that I can and will work as hard as anyone.”

It was hard to say what he’d expected, but surely he should have gotten more of a response than some blank stares and glazed looks.  Was it the wrong time for this?  Every single one of them looked dog tired.  Clockblocker looked like he was barely managing to stand.

“From everything I’ve heard, you guys are an excellent team, and I hope I can do you justice as a leader.  It’s my hope that we can improve on a winning formula.  I’ve talked to the director about some special training-”

“Training?” Clockblocker interrupted, “You just lost me.”

“If you’ll hear me out, I think you’ll like the idea.”

“Have you seen the situation out there?” Clockblocker challenged him, “Less than an hour ago, I saved a guy I know from my high school physics class from being dragged into an alley by a half-dozen grown men.  One of them stuck him with a needle before I got him away from them.  The Hospitals are shut down or over capacity, so I brought him here.  He’s upstairs right now, getting drugs to ensure he doesn’t get HIV.”

Weld struggled to find something to say, failed.

Clockblocker went on, “Kid Win and I stopped some lunatics in gas masks from mixing ammonia and bleach into a poison gas.  You know why?  They wanted to off the people in an apartment block so they could loot the place and stay there.  There’s people going fucking crazy out there, and you’re talking training.”

“I didn’t mean now,” Weld protested, backpedaling, “I was thinking in terms of the future.  The training would be something to look forward to, after this crisis has passed.”

“You’re assuming it’s going to pass,” Shadow Stalker replied, her voice tired.  “Some are saying this is the way things are going to stay.  I almost agree with them.  This isn’t the kind of city that bounces back from things.”

I’m losing them.  “I can’t believe that.  We’ve got to have hope.”

“Pull a fifteen hour patrol out there, then come back and talk to me about hope,” Clockblocker spoke.  “You know, I could almost play along.  Go with the blind optimism, say yippee to training.  But you don’t even mention the guy you’re replacing?  A few words for the dead?  It’s a matter of respect, bro.”

“I didn’t mean to dismiss them or their sacrifice.  I just didn’t know them, and-”

Clockblocker turned, swiping his arm angrily at his helmet to snatch it off the counter.  Tucking it under one arm, he spoke to the others, his back to Weld, “I’m going to check on my family.  I’ll head there in costume, in case I run into trouble, be back in the morning.  Mind manning the console, Kid?”

Kid Win shook his head, “I need to take a break anyways.”

Vista glanced at Weld, then asked, “Where do you guys need me?”

“Go sleep,” Shadow Stalker spoke, placing a hand on Vista’s head as she walked past the girl, “I’ll start my patrol, go with Clock to make sure he gets home and that he has some backup.  You can relieve me when I’m back, maybe get Clockblocker to go with you.”

“Thank you,” Vista’s voice piped up, with a definite note of relief.

Helplessly, Weld watched as the team split up to go their separate ways, Kid Win sitting down at the far end of the computer station, Shadow Stalker and Clockblocker heading for the elevator.

“I fucked up.  I already lost them,” Weld spoke, mostly to himself.

“No.  They’re just tired,” Vista spoke from beside him.  “And not just lack of sleep.  You’ll see what I mean.  You could’ve mentioned Aegis, Browbeat, and Gallant, but you can’t be blamed if Clockblocker didn’t give you time to get around to it.  Nobody’s really in the mood for speeches.”

“Right,” Weld replied, feeling lost, “They’re the ones who died?”

Vista gave him a look that could only be described as pity.  “You didn’t even learn their names?  Nevermind what I just said.  Yeah, you fucked up.”

Then she turned away and walked back to the cubicles.  She was halfway there when he saw her rub at one cheek with the back of her hand.

“I… I just got here,” Weld said, helplessly.

I just got told by a pre-teen, he thought.

“Shit,” he swore under his breath.  He found a chair in front of the computer and dropped the stack of file folders on the nearest flat surface.  He plucked the file folder off the top of the stack, opened it and began studying.

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114 thoughts on “Sentinel 9.1

      • Also, the Protectorate’s latest intel puts her with the Undersiders, but it could be out of date, or maybe Undersiders recruited another “Master”, though that’s unlikely.

      • Bitch has killed someone and Regent is the son of Heartbreaker, plus he has a “secret weapon” he alluded to in Tattletale’s interlude. It’s not impossible, especially since Taylor wouldn’t have been active in the Undersiders lately.

      • Speaking of that little discussion, Piggy mentions that two of the Undersiders have sociopathic tendencies. Since ‘sociopathy’ is not actually a recognized psychological disorder, it would make more sense that the officials would say psychopathic or antisocial personality disorder (even though they’re all minors, so it’s really ‘conduct disorder’, I think…), especially since they all engage in the criminal activities which define a large part of the ASPD diagnosis. Don’t get me wrong, I like the term sociopath, and I think it has applications in understanding low empathy behavior in general, but Piggy and the PRT in general seem like the sort to stick to the official terms.
        This exchange is also one of the reasons I commented earlier about Tattletale calling Bitch a sociopath before their run-in with Bakuda: I like the impression that the PRT is more likely to use broad, shallow psychological categorization of their enemies, and saw it as a good distinction that Tattletale is more perceptive and takes a more nuanced approach toward her teammates.

      • I dunno, both of them are pretty concerning. Bitch is notoriously violent and experienced at getting away with it. As for Regent… remember how Tattletale mentioned a “secret weapon”? They don’t call something that for nothing.

  1. This was a very interesting chapter. The look at how the Wards are faring, the information about the state of the city, the new character… All with the customary high quality of writing.

    After the end of part 8, though? Cruel and unusual punishment. 😛

    • And so we still have to wait. That’s what Wildbow meant about being even crueller. At least this hero seems like a nice guy. I’m sure this city will test his metal, but since he seems to have the power and the iron will to resist Taylor’s bugs, he just might turn out to be the goldenboy they’re looking for. If not, I’m sure he’ll (Fe)el (Au)ful.

      The stuff about encouraging rogues could be useful for Taylor.

      It looks like Weld chose the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. It’s about to hit the fan. *cuts away to a load of crap smacking into somebody posting for Gecko to write a story*

      We also get to see how E88 has divided up. On one side, the hatemongering ultraviolent neo-nazis, on the other, the hatemongering refined neo-nazis.

  2. Wildbow, all I can say is, please make this PoV switch worthwhile. You made us (or, at least, me) care about Taylor and the Undersiders, and then left us hanging. You joke about being “even crueler”, but do keep in mind that cruelty is actually bad.

    On a lighter note, it is interesting to see that the Wards is not all fun and games. Out of curiosity, why is Taylor narrated in first-person limited while Weld is narrated in third-person subjective limited? (Oh, I know! It’s still Taylor’s first-person narrative, but she is using her insects to monitor Weld, describing what they see and hear, with Tattletale filling in what he is probably thinking! Did I get it right?)

    • I know, but from my own POV, I kind of needed a bit of a change of pace after 8 months of writing 1 character with only a small break every month or so.

      I think it’ll be worth it in the end, from what this arc offers from a storytelling standpoint, giving you guys some answers to stuff you’ve been asking for or asking about for a while (starting with the classification system, above) and giving me the ability to touch on what’s going on with others in the new status quo, in a way that would take me a long time from Taylor’s perspective.

      As for the narration perspective: only Taylor’s perspective gets narrated in first person. It’s her story, after all.

      • Ah, that makes sense. I had assumed that it was a more deliberate gimmick, establishing multiple threads building towards some grand conclusion, hence my “please make it worthwhile” appeal. I am sorry for making the assumption.

  3. Weld comes off as basically likable character, though one who has absorbed enough silver spoons to be somewhat out of touch with anyone for whom life sucks. I’m awaiting eagerly to see what it is he ‘enjoys himself’ with rather than food… I’d guess hard drugs or underage prostitution.

  4. Given what we’ve learned about Shadow Stalker, I’m a bit surprised to hear her acting so responsibly. I wonder if it’s the result of the new difficulties in the city? Or she reserves her jerkiness for Taylor?

    But yeah, it’s been a week-and-a-half since the last cliffhanger related to your heroine. Stuff about Coil and Weld are the kinds of things we skim through to get to the good stuff.

    Good to hear that Armsmaster is apparently out of the picture; he got off easy.

    • What makes you think he got off easy? A “quiet retirement” of a figure whose real identity isn’t known to the public could be a euphemism for all sorts of things. For all we know, he’s been turned into a cyborg by Dragon and had his brain reformatted.

        • Yes indeed. The Injustice universe is one of my favorites, not just because I can explore it in video game form.

      • Yes, all we hear is that he’s been retired. Does this mean he’s been *pulls out and cocks a gun* retired, *pulls out a pair of brass knuckles* retired, *pulls out a walker* retired, *pulls out a file featuring a mugshot* retired, *pulls out a straightjacket* retired, *pulls out a MIB neuralizer* retired, *pulls out a sausage and bites into it* retired, *pulls out a can of dog food* retired, *pulls out a world wrestling championship…of the world!* retired, *pulls out a jack* retired, *pulls out a bottle of sleeping pills* retired, *pulls out a purple and orange afro clown wig and a rubber chicken that’s wearing a similar wig* retired, *pulls out a Michael Jordan baseball jersey* retired, or maybe even *pulls out a giant clam that opens to reveal a mermaid holding the american flag and her normal brother Richard* retired?

  5. Hmph. I am definitely not as upset about this POV-switch as others seem to be. Cliffhanger? Meh, I enjoy suspense and speculation. Attachment to Taylor? Have it in buckets, but she’s not going anywhere. Meanwhile, we get to run around in this massive playground of a setting that wildbow has built for us.

    I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes. I’m a bit worried about what the switch might do to the coherence of the work if you want to consider it as a “book” rather than a serial, but there are presumably larger concerns than that if you want to package Worm in that way.

    • First paragraph: That’s really nice/relieving to hear from someone. Thanks.

      Second paragraph: Oh man, don’t remind me. I’m starting to think about stuff in those terms and it’s daunting. I have ideas in mind on what I would do, but it’s a hard thing to wrangle when you’re talking multiple mediums.

      • I’m not bothered either, but then, I do the exact same thing in my serial at points.

        As for how handle it in books, my personal plan is to put a short story at the end of each “book”. It doesn’t seem too complicated. That said it depends on the length of the book. If it’s a big interlude at the end of a big book, you might better off making it a separate thing or waiting till you can put a few stories like this together as one collection.

      • From where I am sitting, I think it’ll actually be less jarring in a book, if nothing else because the reader wouldn’t have to wait an unknown amount of time before the main thread resumes.

  6. I will now spend another week wondering and imagining what will happen next… and when I get sick of that I will probably read this all over is now a serious obsession with no hope of rehabilitation!
    ps leviathian is an organism without a brain so can Taylor possibly control it ? remember the crab and what was said about her not only being able to control bugs but also things with simple brain..

    • He doesn’t have a conventional brain, but his system isn’t so simple that Taylor can take it over. If she could have, her power would have detected & sensed him the way it usually does bugs.

      • ah well, maybe it was just wishful thinking from my end and too much time pondering what will happen next.would’ve loved for it to be true. Taylor would have power enough to go on a real rampage. But I guess that will take away the whole point of her character..the underdog and the one you would never think to be able to do much until you see her gouge the eyes out of villains like lung. Her character is truely one of a kind.

      • On the other hand, several people know that Taylor COULD track Leviathan’s movements. They may not know HOW she was doing it.

        People might, indeed, get the wrong idea on that front.

      • Regarding Taylor’s willingness to be ruthless and her growing profile, I keep thinking about Alex’s line from A Clockwork Orange: “That was everything. I’d done the lot, now. And me still only fifteen.”

  7. On a semirelated note, how much time passed between Taylor first going out in costume and the Leviathan attack and between the attack and the current chapter? As far as I can tell, it’s been about month for the first interval and a week for the second, but I could be off by a lot.

  8. Typo: In “The girl has cognitive deficiencies that reduce her the effective threat she poses, but yes.”, “her” seems extraneous.

      • I’ve been rereading worm lately (sooo goooood) and I’ve been coming across some typos that I’m not sure if I should comment on. Wildbow, I’ve heard you’re working on editing Worm so I don’t know if you’ve already gone over these chapters and have a master copy sans mistakes elsewhere. If that’s the case, then I won’t bother adding comments about typos and whatnot. However, if you’d still like to receive edits (and are still reading these comments), please let me know and I’ll point out anything I come across in the future.

        What brought on this specific comment: the classification of “Shifter” is mentioned for both the Merchants and the Pure, but it’s not in the prior listing of classifications. I might be missing something, but I thought I’d point it out just in case.

        P.S.- I’m hoping it’s fine to treat this as a typo thread. I’m sorry if I shouldn’t be.

  9. I’d initially vaguely recalled something and a quick look back confirmed it- Weld was the only person to offer Skitter anything like genuine camaraderie for the entire extermination arc until the nursing intern.

    I imagine it meant a lot to her.

    Dare I ponder the possibilities…?

    • I read that part again, with his description.

      I wonder if the “silver lines tracing his muscle definition like veins of metal in raw ore” are natural, or if they’re a vanity thing he added himself? 😛

    • “My mind’s tellin’ me no! But my body’s telling me yes! I don’t see nothin’ wrong with a little bump n’ griiiiind.”

      Might want to lay off the shipping just yet. I imagine it’d sink like the Titanic in Weld’s case. He might recognize her, though.

  10. Bah, I’ve been going about this the wrong way. There’s obviously a MUCH better way to joke about Weld. These Periodic Table jokes are lightweight. I need something heavier…


    • Ok, didn’t expect it to just put the video here. That stinks, those almost always take too long, and it ruins the surprise as well. If you want to cut it back to that or otherwise get rid of it, that’s fine by me, Wildbow. I leave it in your capable hooves now.

  11. I wonder how Weld discovered his power- I am imagining that as a lad he experienced some trauma after finally mastering hanging a spoon off his nose.

    • He states in one paragraph, as he contemplates his power, that he was found in dumped in a junkyard, presumably with metal bits stuck to him.

      Miss Militia notes in her interlude that he’s a ‘Case 53’, or one of the ones with the tattoos.

      • Ah, I’d forgotten about his case number, though I’d been thinking the junkyard was just where he’d ended up. I guess why they never mention a real name.

  12. …I’d forgotten about Weld embezzling his food allowance. It’s interesting thinking about his characterization in the rest of the story in that context.

      • I don’t mind, although it might be a bit spoilery.

        One of the things about Weld is that he consistently comes off as a total Boy Scout — going above and beyond at any assigned task, taking extra effort to ensure that his team gets what they want and need, working long hours uncomplainingly, going above and beyond in the fight against the forces of darkness … and, most importantly, being really friendly and nice.

        I say “most importantly” because it looks like that might be the biggest single difference between him and Armsmaster. He’s not less ambitious than Armsmaster, and while misappropriating funds isn’t on the same scale as arranging the death of supervillains, lining his own pockets is a lot less noble a motive than becoming the Endbringer-slayer. But where Armsmaster is a complete failure playing the politics game, Weld has a positive gift for it.

        Hell, he manages to endear himself to the Brockton Bay Wards in a matter of days, despite his screwup here. And he manages to endear himself to the *readers* as well, despite his manipulativeness here.

        And the clincher, of course, is that thinking about everything that comes later, I don’t think there’s anything that conflicts with the idea that Weld is just as self-serving as — and scarcely more heroic than — Armsmaster. He’s just better at self-serving and has way more points in Charisma and Diplomacy.

        • Ah, but you have to weigh it. How self-serving is it, really? I mean, he’s not really cheating the system or stealing money. He’s thinking, “Others get $400 a month to spend on food and other essentials, but I don’t sweat and my clothes last a long while if I get durable ones, and I don’t eat, so why shouldn’t I spend money on something more ‘quality of life’?”

          Sure, he’s bending the rules a smidge, but he’s a teenage boy, not a saint, and he puts up with a hell of a lot with his condition. It’s really pretty tame as sins go.

          • It’s small, as things go, but it kinda stands out to me compared to, say, Triumph’s description of him as a ‘company man’. Yes, the crime was de minimis, but it’s still a crime, and it doesn’t accord with his public image (a public image which I suspect obscures the extent of his ambition as well).

            To put it in D&D terms, yesterday I would have called Weld a Lawful Good character, but after rereading this I’d put him down as Neutral Good pretending to be Lawful Good. Which, honestly, is awesome — deception about one’s character alignment is more strongly associated in pop culture with Evil types, but it shouldn’t be surprising to see anyone east of Lawful on the alignment chart dissemble on the subject.

          • I should also say that a lot of why it stands out so large in my eyes is that I put *myself* down as Lawful Good — and if I caught Weld pocketing money from his essentials allowance for himself, I’d give him a hell of a lecture about the finite nature of the PRT’s funding and the crucial importance of law enforcement officers maintaining the highest degree of personal integrity given the degree of trust they are accorded by the general public.

            • Keep in mind that there are more than 9 ways to act, because there are different ways to fit into any given alignment. I consider myself Lawful Good as well, in the sense that I do my best to act according to a fairly strict set of rules and in the best interests of humanity. However, the values of “law” and “good” that I follow aren’t necessarily universal. A more conventional way of being Lawful Good would be to follow the local laws, wherever you are, and help people whenever you can. I could not do this, because I am too intelligent and critical to blindly follow authority — I simply cannot put my trust in a higher power, because I know that power tends to corrupt (someone posted a few links to studies that show this in the comments section a few chapters back). There are too many ways for lawmakers to be wrong, even if they all had perfectly altruistic intentions (which they don’t) and never did anything wrong (which they do). Also, many laws are simply wrong. I don’t want to get into a huge debate over “different cultural norms” and all that bull****, some things are just wrong. For example:





              According to the Book of Leviticus:
              • Kill all homosexuals
              • Don’t let cattle graze with other kinds of cattle
              • Don’t have more than one kind of crop on the same field
              • Don’t wear clothes of more than one kind of fabric
              • Don’t cut your hair or shave
              • Direct quote, Leviticus 20:9: “Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed”
              • People who have flat noses, or are blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of god

              … and that’s just the tame stuff. I’m not even getting into Sharia law, because even I can see that’s asking for trouble. But I want you to realize that, out there in the real world, there are people who actually believe this stuff. Even the things like kicking blind people in wheelchairs with flat noses out of church. (Which is not that horrible a punishment from my perspective, but then I’m not religious.) Furthermore, different codes of law can be contradictory and mutually exclusive, so that one could be lawful in one region and chaotic in the next.

              My point is, people in power seem to make laws that are at worst evil, on average stupid, and at best inflexible. Granted, they make good laws too, like “no killing” and “no stealing”, and it might even be worth it to suffer the stupid laws for the sake of the good laws, but I don’t buy it. I used my own intelligence and a lot of rationalism to construct a better code. It’s not complete, but at least it allows for its own incompleteness. (Rule 0: There are exceptions to all rules, including this one. Recognize them and act accordingly. Rule 1: Do the right thing, even if it contradicts rules.) In building this code, I tried to make the rules serve good — so that I could be good by being lawful. As a result, I would find myself in conflict with someone who took a more conventional view of “lawful good”.

              As to the good part: My ultimate goal is to become immortal, make everyone else immortal, abolish conflict, colonize the visible universe, meet and/or create aliens, and spend retirement teaching my great-great-great-great-great-etc.-grandkids to finger-paint with galaxies.

              Note: If you want to understand my perspective, construct your own code of ethics, become a better person, or have some free time to burn, start at

              • No, I get that “Lawful” is not synonymous with “Law-Abiding” – I tend to be both, but I absolutely agree that to obey an unjust law is itself unjust. I personally think a better system would be based on Jonathan Haidt’s Moral Foundations Theory, but that’s just my opinion.

                Also, you’re a fellow Less-Wronger? Ooh, there’s some good stuff coming, let me tell you. I think you’ll recognize it when you see it.

          • Be careful about falling into the most common trap regarding alignments – one act doesn’t define one individual’s alignment.

            Yes, it’s true that we have limited information to work with regarding Weld. But this remains perhaps one rogue element in his overall makeup, and it’s (I think) a fairly forgivable one.

          • > Be careful about falling into the most common trap regarding alignments – one act doesn’t define one individual’s alignment.

            Good point – I’ll try to keep it in mind. The way he described it, I thought it was a pattern, not just an isolated act, but so is the way he puts in twice as many hours filling out paperwork as anyone else.

            And regarding forgiveness: it’s a Chaotic act, not an Evil act, and even a Lawful guy like me wouldn’t want to put anything on the guy’s permanent record about it. Heck, if it’s something he’s doing as a form of self-therapy, I’d probably let it slide — sanity is an essential, after all.

            • I think that’s exactly what it is. Remember how Miss Militia doesn’t need to sleep and if she doesn’t remember too then it can screw with her perceptions, start taking unnecessary risks? That’s just without sleep, which Weld doesn’t really need either. He also has almost zero access to touch, taste and smell, barely needs to eat, really has no need for many of the little rituals we perform to maintain our bodies, etc. It’s amazing he’s as likable and so well put together mentally. He probably takes his money and spends it on music, movies and books, the only things he can really get any joy out of by himself.

  13. Why did Weld not stay in Brockton Bay after the Leviathan attack? Was there some ceremonial thing in Boston that needed to be done, or was there a larger skip between arcs than I realized, or what?

  14. Late to the typo party.

    “[…] arrived from what the ‘cubicles’ at the far end […]” — I get the feeling you intended to say “arrived from what looked like cubicles at the far end of the spacious room.” instead of what’s currently there.

    • Yeah this is still there, I just posted another comment about it.

      By the way, Wildbow, let me just say I am just now rereading this and its even better the second time. I will absolutely buy the ebook whenever that happens, and also recommend it to everyone.

  15. I like the double meaning in this chapter. Weld is getting shit from his teammates for being the new leader, and unbeknownst to him he’s getting the same shit from us for being the new POV.

  16. Damn. That ending hurt.
    It’s true, Weld fucked up by not doing the background work on his new team as well as on the situation and the potential opposition, but… comparing the length of Piggot’s lecture to the length of his actual introduction, and considering the nonexistent time between the two… she fucked up just as badly in the exact same way, by letting him think he was prepared to meet them when he wasn’t. Sure, she has the position in the group of someone who doesn’t have to worry about things like making good first impressions- but she ought to recognize, especially given her PR work, that not everyone else has that perk, and plan accordingly. If she doesn’t, it’s going to have consequences for her team’s effectiveness.

  17. >“And,” the Director paused a moment as the Helicopter

    Helicopter not a proper noun.

    >The Hospitals are shut down or over capacity

    Hospital also not a proper noun.

  18. Chapters like this one always fascinate me as a writer. It is a way to info dump without boring people.

    I also like Weld so far, even if he is serious out of his league.

    • I particularly liked how he went “yes I know most of this, but letting her tell me about it will give me insight into her character”. A very believable, intelligent, and interesting way to info dump.

  19. Wasn’t Weld in the fight with Leviathan? Or was it another cape made of metal that put his hand on Skitter’s shoulder and smiled at her in the parking lot in 8.1? I had assumed that was the “new guy” Miss Militia and Armsmaster talked about in the interlude right before.

      • Point stands. Does Hookwolf qualify as living, and thus possibly immune to Weld’s powers thanks to the Manton Effect? Or would they bond like any other metal that comes into contact with Weld? Could Weld then slowly absorb all of Hookwolf’s metal, rendering him temporarily into a baseline human?

  20. I wonder if director Armstrong played college ball. He probably could’ve gone pro if he hadn’t joined the hero association.

  21. Editorial:

    – «and man with his luggage» — Missing “the”
    – «“Weld, I’m glad you made it,” she managed to say the words» — Comma-spliced quotation
    – «“I see,” tiny frown lines appeared between her eyebrows.» — Comma-spliced quotation
    – «Not noticing, Piggot pursed her lips, “Fine.» — Comma-spliced quotation
    – «“Thank you, Director,” he handed her his headset» — Comma-spliced quotation

  22. Just thought I’d point these edits out wildbow. In many places, such as ( “opposition goes is… the Archer’s Bridge Merchants? Superpowered drug dealers. A Shaker 2, Tinker 2/Mover 3 and a Shifter 4. These aren’t big numbers. Am I missing something?” ), ( ” looks like he’s a Shaper 4, Brute 7, with the longest list” ) and ( “Yeah, there’s a Breaker 9, a Shifter 8 with Stranger 3 and a Master 6″ ), you’ve used shifter or shaper instead of changer.

    • I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say the two labels are used almost interchangeably. I think Wildbow explains in more detail later on in the story.

  23. While Shoot, looks like we got a new leader of the wards who has a perfect track record, in simple terms, the undersiders will probally in some way ruin it unkwowningly and get annilated.

  24. Rereading this chapter I finally figured out what happened to browbeat the guy who just disappeared. Or as some people put it Browbeat who’s that?

  25. I’m loving this serial. I know you’re editing and probably found this already but helicopters have rotors not propellers usually in a description. Still can’t stop reading.

  26. “As bad as things might be with the periodic arrival of Endbringers and parahuman criminals, matters could be ten times worse if panic or prejudice takes hold from the public.”
    Whqtvat ol Jneq…gung zvtug or na haqrefgngrzrag. Gubhtu gur arj gevttref nera’g urycvat…

  27. Do I get this right? He is only able to grow body mass? He said he can eject metal if it´s “malformed” but if he does that he needs to consume that mass later on. So, he can practically never lose weight?
    And why should you rate Regent as an Master? Sure, he controls. But afaik it´s quite useless against nearly all other abilities.

  28. And why would him in the coop program of the school be a problem?
    I am pretty sure that it´s quite easy to find out who is an hero when you look who was absent and when an crime happened.
    Don´t see how he could endanger them?

  29. So… how did Aegis die? I thought his whole shtick was that his body didn’t take fatal damage? I’m trying to imagine how it would go in the fight against Leviathan… obvious weapons are tail and claw. But Leviathan tended to do quick jabs and cuts, which probably wouldn’t have killed Aegis. Could he have drowned? That seems like something his power would have protected him from, but maybe not.

  30. Superpowered drug dealers. A Shaker 2, Tinker 2/Mover 3 and a Shifter 4.

    Might be a typo, Shifter wasn’t one of the power categories

  31. Superpowered drug dealers. A Shaker 2, Tinker 2/Mover 3 and a Shifter 4.

    Might be a typo, Shifter wasn’t one of the power categories

  32. One thing bugs me about Weld’s rhyme – it’s rhythm is off, because all power classification names except brute and trump are two syllables long. I believe it would sound much better if you removed the second ‘and’, like this:

    Mover, Shaker,
    Brute and Breaker.

    Master, Tinker,
    Blaster, Thinker,

    Striker, Changer,
    Trump and Stranger.

    And by the way, there is also a minor typo in the rhyme – an unnecessary space at the end of the last line, after “Stranger.”

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